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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 06/24/2022 10:39 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 06/24/2022 11:01 AM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

The Federalist Papers Number One by Publius. Introduction by John Hamilton

Arnold, CA...With the recent Supreme Court decisions we believe it is time to reexamine the foundational principles our county was founded upon. The Federalist Papers are as close as we can get to looking into the minds of our founding fathers and see their timeless intent. Was our county flawed at its founding? Of course but the principles and reasoning on which it was founded are just as valid today as 246 years ago. The Federalist Papers are a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay under the pseudonym "Publius" to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. They were a sales document for the Constitution.

Click Above to Listen to Federalist Paper Number One

We often get criticized (At times justifiably so) for our free speech absolutist stance even on anonymised free speech. Why we are close to free speech absolutists is because in our opinion we would not have a country without not only free speech but anonymised free speech.

Our contention that if the public would have know at the time the identities of the authors especially that of Hamilton they would not have voted for ratification. He was brilliant, even his enemies agreed on that but he also had sharp elbows and threw them with vigor in public debate.

The biggest example of this was he was shot and killed by the Sitting Vice President Aaron Burr over a something he had said about Burr. We are a divided political country but we still (Thankfully) have not had something so egregious as a Vice President shoot and kill a former cabinet secretary.

In our sharply politically divided country it may be time for us all to look back and reaffirm that our country really is just a collection of ideas and ideals. The Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness that we all at times take for granted was hard fought and narrowly won.

In the end our allegiance is not to a King, Dictator or Strong Man but to each other. One thing the founding fathers all agreed on was that human nature is subject to weakness and they took into account human frailties. They devised a system that has at many times protected us from man's and woman's worst enemy which is the reflection that stares back at us all from the mirror.

After the delegates signed the drafted Constitution in Philadelphia on September 16, 1787, it would take effect only after approval by ratifying conventions in nine of 13 states. The Federalist Papers are one of the most important sources for interpreting and understanding the original intent of the Constitution and by extension our American form of government.

Over the next few weeks we will post one Federalist Paper each weekday so even if you can only spend a few minutes each day to review our history our hope is that it will reawaken in each of us the deep wonder of the country we call home.

One thing we think is important in our Social Media driven world where people can get demonized, marginalized & discarded in an instant is that even 246 years ago our founding fathers knew that ideas had to be removed from personality to be accepted.

Alexander Hamilton was such a polarizing figure that he knew instinctively that if his name was known as one of the authors a large segment of the population would disregard whatever he said.

All of us at times do the very same thing especially in our current age. We label everything, Left Wing, Right Wing, Conservative, Progressive, Socialist, Libertarian & more. So check your biases at the door and take a trip down history lane. You may very well emerge differently on the other side. Federalist Paper Number One is below.

The Federalist 1 General Introduction Hamilton for the Independent Journal.

To the People of the State of New York:

After full experience of the insufficiency of the subsisting federal government, you are invited to deliberate on a New Constitution for the United States of America. The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences, nothing less than the existence of the UNION, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire, in many respects, the most interesting in the world. It has been frequently remarked, that it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country to decide, by their conduct and example, the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force. If there be any truth in the remark, the crisis at which we are arrived may, with propriety, be regarded as the period when that decision is to be made; and a wrong election of the part we shall act may, in this view, deserve to be considered as the general misfortune of mankind.

This idea, by adding the inducements of philanthropy to those of patriotism, will heighten the solicitude which all considerate and good men must feel for the event. Happy will it be if our choice should be directed by a judicious estimate of our true interests, uninfluenced by considerations foreign to the public good. But this is more ardently to be wished for, than seriously to be expected. The plan offered to our deliberations, affects too many particular interests, innovates upon too many local institutions, not to involve in its discussion a variety of objects extraneous to its merits, and of views, passions and prejudices little favorable to the discovery of truth.

Among the most formidable of the obstacles which the new constitution will have to encounter may readily be distinguished the obvious interest of a certain class of men in every state to resist all changes which may hazard a diminution of the power, emolument and consequence of the offices they hold under the state establishments. . . and the perverted ambition of another class of men, who will either hope to aggrandize themselves by the confusions of their country, or will flatter themselves with fairer prospects of elevation from the subdivision of the empire into several partial confederacies, than from its union under one government.

It is not, however, my design to dwell upon observations of this nature. I am aware that it would be disingenuous to resolve indiscriminately the opposition of any set of men into interested or ambitious views, merely because their situations might subject them to suspicion. Candour will oblige us to admit, that even such men may be actuated by upright intentions; and it cannot be doubted, that much of the opposition, which has already shown itself, or that may hereafter make its appearance, will spring from sources blameless at least, if not respectable respectable . . . the honest errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears. So numerous indeed and so powerful are the causes which serve to give a false bias to the judgment, that we, upon many occasions, see wise and good men on the wrong as well as on the right side of questions, of the first magnitude to society. This circumstance, if duly attended to, would always furnish a lesson of moderation to those, who are engaged in any controversy, however well persuaded of being in the right. And a further reason for caution, in this respect, might be drawn from the reflection, that we are not always sure, that those who advocate the truth are activated by purer principles than their antagonists. Ambition, avarice, personal animosity, party opposition, and many other motives, not more laudable than these, are apt to operate as well upon those who support, as those who oppose, the right side of a question. Were there not even these inducements to moderation, nothing could be more ill judged than that intolerant spirit, which has, at all times, characterized political parties. For, in politics as in religion, it is equally absurd to aim at making proselytes by fire and sword. Heresies in either can rarely be cured by persecution.

And yet, just as these sentiments must appear to candid men, we have already sufficient indications, that it will happen in this as, in all former cases of great national discussion. A torrent of angry and malignant passions will be let loose. To judge from the conduct of the opposite parties, we shall be led to conclude, that they will mutually hope to evince the justness of their opinions, and to increase the number of their converts, by the loudness of their declamations, and by the bitterness of their invectives. An enlightened zeal for the energy and efficiency of government, will be stigmatized as the offspring of a temper fond of power and hostile to the principles of liberty. An over scrupulous jealousy of danger to the rights of the people, which is more commonly the fault of the head than of the heart, will be represented as mere pretence and artifice . . . the stale bait for popularity at the expense of public good. It will be forgotten, on the one hand, that jealousy is the usual concomitant of violent love, and that the noble enthusiasm of liberty is too apt to be infected with a spirit of narrow and illiberal distrust. On the other hand, it will be equally forgotten, that the vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty; that, in the contemplation of a sound and well informed judgment, their interests can never be separated; and that a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people, than under the forbidding appearances of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government. History will teach us, that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism, than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career, by paying an obsequious court to the people . . . commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.

In the course of the preceding observations, it has been my aim, my fellow-citizens, to put you upon your guard against all attempts, from whatever quarter, to influence your decision in a matter of the utmost moment to your welfare, by any impressions, other than those which may result from the evidence of truth. You will, no doubt, at the same time, have collected from the general scope of them, that they proceed from a source not unfriendly to the new constitution. Yes, my countrymen, I own to you, that, after having given it an attentive consideration, I am clearly of opinion it is your interest to adopt it. I am convinced, that this is the safest course for your liberty, your dignity, and your happiness. I affect not reserves, which I do not feel. I will not amuse you with an appearance of deliberation, when I have decided. I frankly acknowledge to you my convictions, and I will freely lay before you the reasons on which they are founded. The consciousness of good intentions disdains ambiguity. I shall not however multiply professions on this head. My motives must remain in the depository of my own breast: my arguments will be open to all and may be judged of by all. They shall at least be offered in a spirit, which will not disgrace the cause of truth.

I propose, in a series of papers, to discuss the following interesting particulars . . . The utility of the UNION to your political prosperity . . . The insufficiency of the present confederation to preserve that Union . . . The necessity of a government at least equally energetic with the one proposed, to the attainment of this object . . . The conformity of the proposed constitution to the true principles of republican government . . . Its analogy to your own state constitution . . . and lastly, The additional security, which its adoption will afford to the preservation of that species of government, to liberty and to property.

In the progress of this discussion, I shall endeavor to give a satisfactory answer to all the objections which shall have made their appearance, that may seem to have any claim to attention.

It may perhaps be thought superfluous to offer arguments to prove the utility of the UNION, a point, no doubt, deeply engraved on the hearts of the great body of the people in every state, and one which, it may be imagined, has no adversaries. But the fact, is that we already hear it whispered in the private circles of those who oppose the new constitution, that the Thirteen States are of too great extent for any general system, and that we must of necessity resort to separate confederacies of distinct portions of the whole. This doctrine will, in all probability, be gradually propagated, till it has votaries enough to countenance its open avowal. For nothing can be more evident, to those who are able to take an enlarged view of the subject, than the alternative of an adoption of the constitution, or a dismemberment of the Union. It may, therefore, be essential to examine particularly the advantages of that Union, the certain evils, and so the probable dangers, to which every state will be exposed from its dissolution. This shall accordingly be done.


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No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 10:42:33   By: Anonymous
Thank you for doing this and allowing us to comment

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:38:19   By: Anonymous

    In the story above this one why does it look like he has a stick permanently stuck in his ass?

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2022-06-26 10:28:50   By: Anonymous
      Hello Anti. I'm the doc in the ad above. Come visit me and I will stick my finger up your ass. We'll go from there.

      [Reply ]

        Re: come visit me, Doc
        Posted on: 2022-06-26 18:50:47   By: Anonymous
        It sounds like you have plenty of practice with something stuck up your a$$.
        Your head.

        [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:30:17   By: Anonymous

    If a liberal DA or prosecutor has a DUI case before them, let's call the drunkard I mean defendant, Trump ( that should make some here 😊) So Trump's smashed, runs a stop sign and kills a pregnant birthing person named, Newsom( Dems say a man can give birth after all) but Trump's happy he did because he sees a Hillary 2016 bumper sticker. The defendent who claimed , good, to the arresting officer, she's a pig!!! Well unfortunately for Trump, in the State of California he will be charged with causing the deaths of two people, the" birthing person" and the " fetus" so now the left and right are both saying the fetus is a person, aren't they? But getting an abortion up to the last week of a pregnancy the left says the fetus isn't a person, isn't....what alive?....human?...."it's" what? A thing? Something less then a pet goldfish?
    So Trump causing the death of Newsom and his fetus will face two charges of manslaughter of possibly murder second degree, but aborting an 8 month 3 week old fetus nothing.
    Or maybe the birthing person is a crack whore, baby dies from an Over Dose and the birthing person is charged with manslaughter. That's always been a crime too. Ones a crime the other is??
    But you can bet the left which has already firebombed over a dozen different places against abortion like the KKK use to firebomb Black Churches or burned white crosses on the lawns of Black Americans and anyone helping them will go right to violence tonight if they aren't already. They already told their fellow activist and protestors to wear their masks, and I'm sure it's not because of COVID or monkey pox.

    [Reply ]

Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
Posted on: 2022-06-24 10:49:37   By: Anonymous
Congresswoman Maxine Waters responded to the landmark abortion ban by vowing, “To hell with the Supreme Court! We will defy them!

Waters made the comments shortly after it was announced that abortion is being sent back to the states, with Roe v Wade being overturned.

“They ain’t seen nothing yet, women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try to stop them,” insisted Waters.

“To hell with the Supreme Court! We will defy them! Women will be able to control their bodies and if they think black women are intimidated, are afraid, they got another thought coming,” she added.

“Black women will be out in droves – we will be out by the thousands, we will be out by the millions, we’re going to make sure we fight for the right to control our own bodies,” asserted Waters.

As we highlighted earlier, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is spewing similar rhetoric, gathering outside the Supreme Court to shout that it is “illegitimate.”

Now watch as all the same people who accused Trump of “inciting” January 6 incite actual violence in the form of riots over the next few nights.

Far-left pro-abortion groups have already vowed to stage a “night of rage” in response to the ruling.

The Department of Homeland Security has also warned crisis pregnancy centers, Catholic churches, and pro-life institutions that they should brace for attacks, with several having already been targeted in recent weeks.

Bucke up for the next few nights, there might be a few “mostly peaceful” demonstrations ahead.

[Reply ]

    Re: Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:09:58   By: Anonymous
    I wonder if she would be saying to hell with the supreme court if they said you don't have a right to own or carry a gun.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:21:06   By: Anonymous
      '...just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing
      his own Justice Department officials.

      [Reply ]

    Re: Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:29:43   By: Anonymous
    From the mostly peaceful protestors of 2020, who killed dozens of people, attacked and hurt over 1500 law enforcement officers, burned, looted and destroyed thousands of businesses, and damages around Two Billion Dollars had this to say. "The New York Post reports that Jane's Revenge wrote, "Now the leash is off," in anticipation of the court’s move, in a June 14 letter.

    "And we will make it as hard as possible for your campaign of oppression to continue," the group continued. "We have demonstrated in the past month how easy and fun it is to attack. From here forward, any anti-choice group who closes their doors, and stops operating will no longer be a target," the letter from Jane's Revenge warned. "But until you do, it's open season, and we know where your operations are. The infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive. We will never stop, back down, slow down, or retreat."
    They also tweeted a picture of Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife's home declaring to their activist " Tonight"
    Such a peaceful political party the Democrats.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Maxine Waters: “To Hell With the Supreme Court! We Will Defy Them!”
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:22:57   By: Anonymous
      '....just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing his own Justice Department officials.

      [Reply ]

“Illegitimate!” AOC Protests Against Abortion Ban
Posted on: 2022-06-24 10:53:54   By: Anonymous
Following the landmark abortion ban, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez arrived outside the Supreme Court and began shouting “illegitimate” while demanding protesters get “into the streets.”

Million of women will lose the “right” to kill babies in the womb after the Supreme Court overturned the 50 year Roe v Wade ruling to send abortion back to the states.

Individual states will now be able to ban abortion, with around half expected to introduce new restrictions and bans.

AOC wasted little time in showing up outside the Supreme Court, joining rowdy demonstrators to scream about it being “illegitimate” and demanding people get “into the streets.”

Such rhetoric is now flying in the context of the Department of Homeland Security warning crisis pregnancy centers, Catholic churches, and pro-life institutions that they should brace for attacks, with several having already been targeted.

Far-left pro-abortion groups have already vowed to stage a “night of rage” in response to the ruling.

The irony here of course is that people like AOC who had hysterical mental breakdowns over January 6, claiming it represented a violation of the sanctity of democracy, are now saying that the decisions of the highest court in the land should essentially be ignored.

Let’s keep a close eye on what all the people who accuse Trump of “inciting” January 6 now say before the expected weekend riots.

“People will die because of this decision,” tweeted the far-left Congresswoman, conveniently ignoring all the babies who won’t die.

“We will never stop until abortion rights are restored in the United States of America,” she added.

[Reply ]

    Re: “Illegitimate!” AOC Protests Against Abortion Ban
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:11:44   By: Anonymous
    You know your country is on its way out when the only way to get people angry enough to fight back is to say that you can't kill your children.

    [Reply ]

      Re: “Illegitimate!” AOC Protests Against Abortion Ban
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:24:25   By: Anonymous
      '....just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing his own Justice Department officials.

      [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:16:18   By: Anonymous
Once again, the Leftist Voters are dumbasses. How difficult is it to understand that the Supreme Court did not outlaw abortions? They simply overruled Federal authority over abortions, which they never should have had in the first place and sent it back to the States. As abortion is not a Constitutional Right, even though the Democrats lie and say it is, it falls under the 10th Amendment, which states "the federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers not forbidden to the states by the Constitution are reserved to each state." The Dems keep claiming the majority of the country is in favor of abortion. If that's true, why are they so nervous about States deciding the issue? If the majority really does favor abortion, wouldn't that mean nearly all States would vote to legalize abortion inside their borders? I think someone on the Left has been full of *bleep* for a long time.

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:27:44   By: Anonymous
    '....just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing his own Justice Department officials.

    [Reply ]

    Re: Constitutional rights
    Posted on: 2022-06-26 07:06:33   By: Anonymous
    And owning an AR is.

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2022-06-24 11:19:01   By: Anonymous
Maxine Waters in essence is telling, young, black girls that they need to accept the advances of a brother, cousin, uncle, or anyone else that is taught nothing about respecting Women, no matter what relationship, or age! I feel so sorry fo the young girls in the black community, you have been taught to spread-em, there is a solution if you become pregnant, rather than teaching black men to keep their tool to themselves! Maxine Waters should investigate how many Plannned Parenthood clinics are in black communities vs: others. Are they there to provide a service to a young black girl, or is it to control the black population? She has been worked, and she’s too dumb to know it!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:29:07   By: Anonymous
    '...just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing his own Justice Department officials.

    [Reply ]

Posted on: 2022-06-24 12:39:10   By: Anonymous
I have read this book and it is extremely enlightening. I recommend it to all. It details how our democracy was formed and the thinking behind the decisions they made then..

[Reply ]

    Con Pseudo Law Opinions
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:25:06   By: Anonymous
    Thomas Jefferson and John Adams had opposite opinions on the rights of the people in the new Republic.
    Adams ever the conservative, argued against voting rights for women, and non land holders. Sadly he persisted. It was a bone of contention between the two statesmen.
    They ended all communication for over a decade, only when Adams was near death did the long time friends reestablish communication, that's the division we see repeatedly in our history.

    The divisions between conservatives, and progressive is age old. It is a brain thing, about 30% of folks feel more comfortable with authoritarian rule, progressives prefer the right to chose.

    The conservatives wanted to stay subjects of King George, they were labeled loyalists. the progressives, argued for freedom from England, I am glad the progressives the majority,did start this new democratic republic we call America.

    The SCOTUS rulings and opinions cite ancient ages, some over 100 years.
    America has progressed, but the Christian taliban majority SCOTUS is hell bent on taking us all back 100+ years, despite their minority opinions.
    This will not stand. Sadly they with free access to guns as they have also ruled, seem to relish another civil war thru their ill conceived decisions.

    [Reply ]

      Re: Con Pseudo Law Opinions
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:43:10   By: Anonymous

      [Reply ]

        Re: Con Pseudo Law Opinions
        Posted on: 2022-06-24 14:30:32   By: Anonymous
        '...just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the Republican congressmen.' - Donald Trump coercing his own Justice Department officials.

        [Reply ]

      Re: Con Pseudo Law Opinions
      Posted on: 2022-06-24 13:54:38   By: Anonymous
      I think you have it backwards! Who now is the party of big government and government rule? It ain't the GOP

      [Reply ]

Right wing Republicans “cheated” and loaded the Supreme Court:
Posted on: 2022-06-24 16:23:21   By: Anonymous
Mitch McConnell refused to allow President Obama to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court.

So here we are: women seeking abortions need to be shamed, punished and forced to give birth.

The Republicans got here by cheating the system.

If the people of the United States continue to allow Fox News and the Republican Party to run our nation, there’ll only be more of the same.

[Reply ]

    Re: Right wing Republicans “cheated” and loaded the Supreme Court:
    Posted on: 2022-06-24 17:37:41   By: Anonymous
    '...just say the election was corrupt and leave it to me and the Republican congressmen.'- Donald Trump trying to coerce his own Justice Department officials.

    [Reply ]

Re: come visit me, Doc
Posted on: 2022-06-26 11:19:59   By: Anonymous
It sounds like you have plenty of practice with something stuck up your a$$.
Your head.

[Reply ]

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