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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 03/27/2024 03:36 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 03/27/2024 03:36 PM
Expires: 01/01/2029 12:00 AM

Former Senator & Vice-Presidential Nominee Dies at 82 after a Fall

Stamford, CT...Joseph Isadore Lieberman February 24, 1942 – March 27, 2024. American politician, lobbyist, and attorney who served as a United States senator from Connecticut from 1989 to 2013. Nominee for vice president of the United States in the 2000 U.S. presidential election.

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No Subject
Posted on: 2024-03-27 20:45:58   By: Anonymous
Joe Lieberman was one of the last “true” Democrats, not associated with the radical edge that has taken over the once legitimate party!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-03-27 21:57:03   By: Anonymous
    Lets all hope the same fate is put upon Trump.

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2024-03-28 06:02:21   By: Anonymous
      Lets all hope the same FATE is put upon Biden.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2024-03-28 06:19:20   By: Anonymous
        ^^Too bad Doofus, I beat you to it.

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:13:35   By: Anonymous
          Doofus I'd to see Biden fall out of the cargo hole of Air Force One.

          [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:54:18   By: Anonymous
            ^Moron. I'd like to see you compose a sentence with correct structure and punctuation.

            [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2024-03-28 08:42:49   By: Anonymous
              Thanks Mr. Know it All

              [Reply ]

                Posted on: 2024-03-29 08:47:50   By: Anonymous
                You forgot the period at the end you yokel.

                [Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-03-27 22:12:05   By: Anonymous

    The cat is now officially out of the bag. Donald Trump has spent, over the past year, over $100,000,000 dollars on legal fees defending his illegal activities of the past. Specifically from about 2016 up to now.

    That is $90,000 plus or minus PER DAY. And guess what? It HAS ALL come from contributions made to him by his base and donors of various ilk. Thats right. The money you, The American Republican Idiot, have given to him for his "presidential campaign" and his "stop the steal" campaign has all gone to defending him in a court of law. And all of the other money, from gold tennis shoes, to Bibles, to NFT cards, etc., after grift etc., is going straight into lawyers pockets. But hey, those lawyers are defending Trump, so they must be good people, right? Ethical to the max right? Care about the law above everything else, right? Oh, and you can guarantee that not one of them would not be on his team if it weren't for a SUBSTANCIAL upfront retainer fee right? And guess who paid for that retainer fee? Yep, you guessed it, YOU!! What fools you are.


    Thats okay though, you are just one of millions to fall for this scam artists lies, sexual assaults, and miscellaneous misdeeds. Most of which are highly illegal.

    Just keep shipping him off your money. You don't need it right??? Keep falling for his grift. He cares about you, right? Remember they aren't going after him, they are going after you, and he's just in the way, right?

    You people are such fools...........................................

    [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2024-03-28 05:21:30   By: Anonymous
      So the dotards are doing well enough in Biden's economy to send Trump $100,000,000 that he spends keeping himself out of prison for the crimes he's committed.

      I guess that's OK. But with the horrible inflation and horrible economy how are dotards doing so well they can just blow off that amount of money?

      Guess the dotard's economy is as good as mine. I'm doing very well.

      [Reply ]

        Posted on: 2024-03-28 06:17:07   By: Anonymous
        ^^Oh God, Mr. "Look at me, my portfolio is doing great" is back. Excuse me while I go blow lunch.

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:14:33   By: Anonymous
          No worries.

          [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:15:09   By: Anonymous
          ^ You can blow me!

          [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:55:29   By: Anonymous
            Where & When!!?

            [Reply ]

      Re: GET OFF MY LAWN!
      Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:27:23   By: Anonymous
      🤡+🍦=💩. 👍

      [Reply ]

        Re: GET OFF MY LAWN!
        Posted on: 2024-03-28 08:02:24   By: Anonymous
        ^Making your 3rd grade teacher proud, very good.

        You get a smiley face! :)

        [Reply ]

        Re: GET OFF MY LAWN!
        Posted on: 2024-03-28 08:09:28   By: Anonymous
        A Joe Biden clown + an ice cream cone does not = a dotard.

        You get an F for being wrong on the facts.
        You get a D+ for effort, completing your BM.

        [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:36:32   By: Anonymous
Sniveler no Little League practice due to inclement weather this Saturday...,,,

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-03-28 07:58:05   By: Anonymous
    Cool. Where should we hook up?

    [Reply ]

No Subject
Posted on: 2024-03-28 08:26:36   By: Anonymous
We could have had Medicare at 55 except for this a**hole.

Speaking of medicare, did you know that Biden capped Medicare prescription drug costs to $2,000 per year?

Thanks Biden!!!

[Reply ]

    Posted on: 2024-03-28 09:08:42   By: Anonymous
    What? You want socialized medical coverage at 55?
    I thought you and Trump were against socialized medicine.

    You need to pick a side.
    You can't be opposed to both sides of an issue without looking like a complete fool.

    You must be a dotard.

    [Reply ]

      Lieberman Always About The $
      Posted on: 2024-03-28 10:01:49   By: Anonymous
      Lieberman loved neo liberal economics, which destroys the middle class.
      It was so clear when he voted against the AFC.
      As soon as he retired, he became a lobbyist for the corrupt health ins cos.
      He had a love affair with Wall St, and the banks.

      You can't be anti middle class, and wear the mantle of a Democrat.
      He was a con similar to lil don.

      He could of been the VP , except the SCOTUS led by justice O'Connor in a coup against our election for President.

      How different the year after that election would of been. bush allowed 9-11 by ignoring the many warnings. No Afghan, Iraq war. No Patriot act, no storing of all of our communication data, and much more.

      The Republican party's history starting with Nixon is a litany of serious seditious, traitorous acts, the Republican party is a crime cabal suitable for enforcement of the RICO act.

      [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2024-03-28 10:31:55   By: Anonymous
      You have as much of a brainworm as the “dotards” you mock. 😂

      [Reply ]

      Posted on: 2024-03-28 10:33:51   By: Anonymous
      Good lord, this isn’t sports!

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        Posted on: 2024-03-28 12:24:39   By: Anonymous
        Ass clowns. This thread right here is a perfect example of why everything is so f-ucked up. Right or left, it really doesn't matter anymore. Biden is president, yet women's rights are still being stripped away, still no equal pay; just be barefoot and pregnant. Trump is just as senile eventhough you guys argue over it. Problem is Trump is crazy and addicted to speed. We are banning books, racism/hate has reared it's ugly head only because they all came out of the closet during the Trump presidency. As he craps on a golden toilet you guys buy his golden hideous shoes, trumpy bears, mugs, ect. All of which by the way are Chinese made. It's a s-hit show of hypocrites.

        [Reply ]

          Posted on: 2024-03-28 13:08:41   By: Anonymous
          It's really not that difficult to understand.
          Trump pushed Jesus out of his seat and now Trump sits at the right hand of God.
          So the orange guy is now pretty much God himself; and just as infallible.
          You're just going to have to accept that.

          [Reply ]

            Posted on: 2024-03-29 08:51:19   By: Anonymous
            "More Adderall, more Aderall. Sniff, sniff"
            Donald J Trump just prior to the Republican National Convention this summer.

            [Reply ]

              Posted on: 2024-03-29 10:16:10   By: Anonymous
              Is that why he sniffs all the time while making speeches?

              [Reply ]

                Posted on: 2024-03-29 10:49:51   By: Anonymous
                One day it's all going to catch up to him.
                He'll be standing there one moment, the next, major coronary, tipping over into his poop soaked diapers.

                [Reply ]

                  Posted on: 2024-03-29 13:35:10   By: Anonymous
                  Ever notice what he does with his teeth, and mouth. Like a local tweaker. His constant dry mouth and flailing arms. Just out of his mind. Big, gross, phony Christian, pretending to be some gun loving everyday dude. He's so fat he couldn't even hold a gun properly. Let alone fire it. But you know people fall for it. Republicans used to have some kind of values. Now it's just the Trump (Rump make America hump again) party. Embarrassing. America is an Embarrassment.

                  [Reply ]

                    Posted on: 2024-03-30 07:59:30   By: Anonymous
                    ^this. And have you seen him try to lift a bottle of water to his amphetamine parched lips?? He doesn't do it anymore since it was caught on film a couple years ago. Wow, have pathetic that was/is. He's so cranked out he can't lift a bottle of water to his lips. Don't worry Trumpsters, you'll never have to see it again. His "handlers" won't let him attempt it. Too late, cats out of the bag.

                    Have another line Don, then go sell some more bibles.

                    [Reply ]

                      Posted on: 2024-03-30 08:46:56   By: Anonymous
                      The toilet paper that was stuck to the sole of his shoe was more usefull than his ability to govern, speak, or even hold a freaking Bible not upside down. Oh yeah, he's a devoted Christian. Guy's a joke, and a fraud; but I did feel sorry for that toilet paper..

                      [Reply ]

                        Posted on: 2024-03-30 08:51:14   By: Anonymous
                        I Always wondered who got whipped for not making sure that wasn't on his shoe for the whole world to see. You know someone or many got the wrath of the orange beast.

                        [Reply ]

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