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Remember Me

Posted by: thepinetree on 05/27/2008 10:50 PM Updated by: thepinetree on 06/04/2008 09:03 PM
Expires: 01/01/2013 12:00 AM

Kathy Mazzaferro Wants Your Vote for District I Supervisor

Paid Advertisement by Committee to Elect Kathy Mazzaferro

Elect Kathy Mazzaferro Supervisor District 1
A Balanced Future for Calaveras County

Born and raised in Calaveras County, I graduated from Calaveras High School in 1971 and then left to attend college. In the years that followed I lived throughout California & Arizona before returning to Calaveras in the summer of 1997. I’ve lived in areas of unbridled growth and those that are micromanaged. Neither extreme is recommended for Calaveras County. However, living in other areas gives me a knowledge base, ideas and concepts we may want to explore and those we want to avoid. At the same time, I understand those who wish we could stem the tide of growth and turn the clock back to when we were the best kept secret in California. But growth is here and we need leaders who will bring us together to manage that growth. I have a skill set I believe is needed. I’ve worked in lending and finance since 1978 and have been a community banker in Calaveras County since 1998. I’ve worked with developers and contractors, architects and engineers, business owners and families who just want to build a home. I understand the process and the frustrations and challenges they have all faced, especially in the last couple of years. Equally important, I’ve been listening. For over 10 years I have worked with, volunteered beside and listened to our citizens. The wisdom of our citizens is our best asset and we need leaders who will listen and respect all points of view as we manage our future.

Business Woman
In 1978 I began my banking career as a loan assistant for a small, private mortgage company in Sacramento. By 1987 I was a residential underwriter for Bank of America. In November of 1998 after an 11 year hiatus I went back to work as a loan officer for, what was, Central Sierra Bank in San Andreas. I built my career anew to where it is now, as a manager and officer of local branch of Wells Fargo Bank.

Member – Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce

In 1987 I had the opportunity to be a stay-at-home mom when my daughters were little. I will always teasure those years. Now 22 and 19 they are attending college and building their own lives. Both are extraordinary young women and I am very proud of them.

Community Activist

Trustee – Mark Twain St.Jospeh's Hospital

Member - Soroptimists International of Calaveras County; Valley Springs Boosters
Volunteer - Friends of Calaveras Library; Calaveras County Fair & Jumping Frog Jubilee; Calaveras Youth Mentoring Program
Past Member – Valley Springs Area Business Association; Human Resource Council Board of Directors

The Economic Future of Calaveras County

The future of economic development for Calaveras County will take proactive leadership. It will be a multi-phase process that will require the improvement of our infrastructure, an increase in affordable housing and the recruitment of businesses and attendant jobs that provide the revenue stream necessary for Calaveras County to continue to thrive. We need to increase the variety of businesses to encourage citizens to shop locally. I have the experience to take a more proactive approach. I would meet with the constituents of each community to determine what businesses they would welcome. Following that I would seek out, contact, and call on those industries and businesses, encouraging them to take a new look at Calveras County.

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Mark Twain Medical Center
Meadowmont Pharmacy
Angels & San Andreas Memorial Chapels
Bear Valley Real Estate
Gerard Insurance
Bank of Stockton
Fox Security
Bistro Espresso
Chatom Winery
Middleton's Furniture
Bear Valley Mountain Resort
Cave, Mine & Zip Lines
High Country Spa & Stove
Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway
Sierra Logging Museum Calaveras Mentoriing
Jenny's Kitchen

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