 Agenda  Agenda Packet

Call to Order
Roll Call
Closed Session Agenda
1. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54957.6, conference with County-designated labor negotiators Judy Hawkins and Che Johnson regarding the following employee organizations: Service Employees’ International Union (SEIU) Local 1021; Deputy Sheriffs’ Association (DSA); Sheriff’s Management Unit (SMU).
2. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54657(b)(1): Public Employment – Title: Planning Director.
Pledge of Allegiance
Staff Announcements
This is a time for County staff to provide updates of upcoming County events that may be of interest to the public.
Public Comment - 30 Minutes
Consent Agenda
3. Authorize the Board Chair to sign the Motherlode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility MOU Amendment #2, extending the agreement for an additional year (term ending June 30, 2022).
document Action Item Printout
b. MLRJDF MOU Amend #1
c. MLRJDF MOU Amend #2
4. Authorize the Director of the Health and Human Services Agency or designee to 1) apply for the Crisis Care Mobile Units Program, Track 1 Planning Grant funding; 2) sign and submit the required documentation to apply for said grant funding, resulting in revenue in an amount not to exceed $200,000 for the period of September 15, 2021 through February 14, 2023; and 3) execute any and all documentation required to receive said funding, including subsequent amendments, if any.
document Agreement Printout
a. DHCS-Mobile-Crisis-and-Non-Crisis-RFA-7-22-21
Regular Agenda
5. 1) Receive a Presentation on Strategic Planning, and 2) direct the County Administrative Officer to negotiate an agreement with the Municipal Resource Group for third-party facilitator and strategic planning consulting services.
document Action Item Printout
6. Discuss and provide recommendations on a Countywide Telecommute Policy.
document Action Item Printout
a. Telecommute Policy 8.11.21
Supervisor Announcements
In compliance with Govt. Code § 53232.3(d), Board members shall provide brief reports on any meetings attended at the expense of the local agency, and may make other announcements or report out.