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Posted by: thepinetree on 09/09/2022 11:52 AM Updated by: thepinetree on 09/09/2022 11:52 AM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

Fed's Tough-Talk Rattles Markets. Monthly Market Insights from Sabrina Julian Investment Services

Murphys, CA...Monthly Market Insights for September 2022. Stocks dropped on renewed fears of higher rates and economic weakening, coupled with some tough talk from the Fed Chair.

Sabrina Julian
(209) 890-7491
Sabrina Julian Investment Services

Securities and advisory services offered through Cetera Advisor Networks LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGAN Insurance Agency LLC), member FINRA/SIPC, , a broker/dealer and a Registered Investment Advisor. Cetera is under separate ownership from any other named entity. CA insurance license #0D67104

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No Subject
Posted on: 2022-09-09 12:55:13   By: Anonymous
And yet they're right back up this morning. It would seem a very difficult market to call and just how low before people buy stocks again.

[Reply ]

    Re: investment
    Posted on: 2022-09-10 05:25:59   By: Anonymous
    People will always buy stocks.
    The problem with the Stock Market is that people thought it was an ATM machine. Borrowing money to "play" in the Stock Market was what people were doing.
    Investing money can be risky or not.
    The mentality that your hard earned money(by way of a job) should earn10+% at all times(or you're doing something wrong), had become a prevailing attitude.
    Common sense should tell you that that is not sustainable.
    Money Advisors were getting to a point to where they were just moving other people's money. Like a Ponzi scheme. Those in charge, at the Federal level, saw that this couldn't go on forever.
    Whether you're on the Left or the Right, it doesn't matter. Companies can no longer turn profits, and pay investors, like they had been. Pretty simple math.
    Blame the Chinese. The Fed. OPEC. Putin. Biden. Trump. Taxes. Corporate greed. Liberalism. Conservatives. Socialists. Communists. Libertarians. Christians. Muslims. Buddhists. Jews.
    It doesn't matter where you place your blame.
    It's greed.
    There is no Golden Goose.
    One would hope that Sabrina advises, Invest Wisely.

    [Reply ]

      J Powell- Republican
      Posted on: 2022-09-10 10:30:02   By: Anonymous
      Not to be missed, is that J Powell is a Republican.
      Most $ people are, why our Congress is a mess- Justice Roberts ok'd complete unfettered bribery of our representatives, when it was illegal before.
      You get the government you allow, if the $ people buy our Congress, you get tax cuts, or no taxes for the Wealthy, and working folks pay mote taxes, how the last trump tax cuts went- the billionaires got permanent tax cuts, now working folks will have a tax increase.

      J Powell is engineering a recession, under the old strategy to curb inflation, yet with the unemployment rate low there is no real need to use the interest rate increases, which take 1-2 years to take effect, a slow remedy and unnecessary , as some Fed board members are now speaking out about.

      Powell is doing what he can to 'inflict pain'- his words, to elect a Republican president in 2024. It reminds me of the Comey October surprise against H Clinton, his press conference with "new emails" was an old political hack job, what his job in the CIA was when he meddled in elections in Central, South American countries.

      [Reply ]

      Re: investment
      Posted on: 2022-09-10 10:54:18   By: Anonymous
      It's called Capitalism.

      [Reply ]

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