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Posted by: News_Desk on 10/15/2022 05:33 PM Updated by: News_Desk on 10/15/2022 05:33 PM
Expires: 01/01/2027 12:00 AM

California Invests Nearly $3 Billion for Transportation Improvements

Planada, CA... The California Transportation Commission (CTC) this week allocated nearly $3 billion for projects to repair and improve transportation infrastructure throughout the state. The allocation includes more than $452 million in funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA) and more than $123 million in funding from Senate Bill (SB) 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.

“This allocation – which includes a significant federal investment – allows Caltrans and our local partners to continue building the equitable, sustainable, and safe transportation system on which future generations will depend,” said Caltrans Director Tony Tavares.

Projects approved this week include the construction of sidewalks, driveways, ADA curb ramps, crosswalk pavement markings, a bike lane and railroad pedestrian flashing beacons along the east side of Plainsburg Road in the Merced County community of Planada. This project allocation includes $1,351,000 in federal IIJA funds.

The CTC allocated more than $2.1 billion to Caltrans' Division of Local Assistance in its annual federal fiscal year investment. These local assistance funds are used by more than 600 cities, counties and regional agencies throughout California to build and improve roads, bridges, tunnels and other transportation infrastructure, and for projects that enhance safety and help protect the environment. Annually, more than 1,200 new projects are authorized through the Local Assistance Program.

SB 1 provides $5 billion in transportation funding annually that is shared equally between the state and local agencies. Road projects progress through construction phases more quickly based on the availability of SB 1 funds, including projects that are partially funded by SB 1. For more information about transportation projects funded by SB 1, visit

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